Current consulting highlights

Operationalization of business models – from strategy to customer connection

In order for the first customer to be connected to the network, a whole bunch of very complex measures and work packages have to be implemented by newcomers in the broadband market. Professional project organization has to be implemented in order to manage and lead operations.

In general, the operationalization phase includes all preparations for the network rollout and customer connections. They are based on strategic decisions made upfront, which define business model and strategy. One of the challenges is the definition and selection of appropriate clusters. Here, it is important to define which clusters are most suitable for the rollout, with regard to investment and revenues, and under consideration of the current competitive situation. Based on the cluster selection, all marketing activities in the relevant areas have to be planned. While developing marketing and sales, products also have to be specified and AGB‘s have to be defined. The selection of possible outsourcing partners is crucial at that point. Apart from developing and implementing all necessary processes, marketing activities before the network rollout are the key to success.

LATUS consulting offers consulting services and support in all work packages mentioned above. Our consultants have already managed numerous of such operationalization projects (overall and just certain aspects).

LATUS consulting offers a comprehensive spectrum of services in the area of operationalization of business models:

  • Development and implementation of a structured overall project management process
  • Definition and selection of sales channels, development and implementation of marketing plan
  • Development of products and end customer prices on the basis of market conditions and basic parameters of the business plan
  • Conception and development of sales management, customer relations, as well as order management (CRM) and billing
  • Definition of key processes (order to bill)
  • Conception of a IT system landscape and interfaces on the basis if telco market standards under consideration of outsourcing services

The replicas are needed to provide a quick non-binding statement of product availability at the end customer’s address.


The S/PRI stands for the Supplier/Partner Requisition Interface of the “Arbeitskreis S/PRI” – an association of several large telecommunications companies – and represents a uniform, independent order and fault clearance interface in the market. The S/PRI is based on WITA architecture and offers, in addition to the order processing and monitoring processes, its own fault clearance interface. The S/PRI interface enables the handling of business processes for NGA pre-products.


WBCI stands for WITA Based Carrier Interface. It is used to reconcile the business cases relevant within the scope of the change of provider.


Wholesale IT architecture (WITA)

We also offer in house trainings.

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